Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine
From insomnia and anxiety to menstrual disorders and pain, acupuncture is an amazing modality of treatment for a variety of ailments. Because I believe that the body requires the utmost attention in order to tap into its innate healing potential, all of my sessions are 90 minutes of one-on-one care to allow for full body processing and integration of treatment. During each session you may expect any of the following modalities :
Herbal Medicine
Somatic / Emotional Processing Techniques
Embodiment Coaching
Nutrition + Lifestyle Counseling
Visceral Manipulation
Abdominal Massage
All acupuncture-only appointments are 90 minutes, $150
*Please note that acupuncture sessions are priced differently than Pelvic Care sessions.
commonly asked questions:
DO you work with trauma?
Yes, I do work specifically with trauma patients. Whether the issue is PTSD, previous medical trauma or simply a sensitive soul, my trauma informed methods are gentle and easy. Light needling methods, somatic holds, moxibustion and acupressure may be used in place of traditional Chinese medicine techniques. Please do let me know if you are dealing with trauma or are currently in a treatment program or therapy.
One-hour online Zoom sessions are available for herbal consults, embodiment coaching and support. To inquire about scheduling an online session, please request a phone consult time in the scheduler below. If you would like to be notified when online classes are offered, sign up for the email list.
Due to schedule demand and length of one-on-one sessions, I require 48 hours’ notice for any cancellation in order to make space for those who could be benefitting from the time slot. Please be mindful of your schedule so that I can provide you and others with the best care possible. In the event that less than 48 hours’ notice is given, a fee of 50% of the cost of time booked will apply. Thank for for valuing my time, as I value yours.
to book
I require a complimentary phone conversation before we embark on a series of embodied holistic care to ensure that this work is a correct fit for you and your needs. Please choose a time from the schedule below to receive a free 15 minute phone call. If any of the below times do not work for your schedule, please send me an email at and we will try to find a time that works for you.
I look forward to working with you.